Hypnotherapy Sessions with me are designed to help support you, your mind and your emotional wellbeing.
In our Sessions we will always focus on what you want to achieve, to help you to move forward and make helpful changes.Hypnotherapy works fast yet is gentle, allowing you to realise your dreams in a relatively short time. It helps you arrive there quickly and easily, with a commitment from you to work alongside me during this process. Anything is possible, we just need to believe it – I can and I will! In this way, sessions with me can help you Change For Good.
Solution Focused Therapy and Hypnotherapy uses practical, modern and well researched strategies to help you make significant, positive changes in your life, in a relatively short space of time, with the focus always being on what you’d like to achieve and how you’d like your life to be. This therapy model works differently to other therapies, which is why it can work so much more quickly.
We work together to help you to change the way you think, feel, and behave, at a deep subconscious level, allowing you to access the powerhouse inside your mind that is so influential and helpful. Hypnotherapy brings this part of your mind into your control. We will start getting it to work for you, rather than against you.
When we understand that 90-95% of all our thoughts, feelings and behaviours are at a subconscious level and automatic, and that without any encouragement from ourselves on a conscious level, this part of the brain spends the majority of the time sabotaging our best efforts, then we can realise how powerful and influential it is! Just imagine, 90-95% of your 70,000 thoughts a day may be working against your best hopes and efforts, without you even knowing it! All going on subconsciously without you being aware of it!
Most of the time we live life on autopilot, yet the pilot isn’t taking us to our chosen destination. It’s taking us quite often to places we want to move away from! As this part of the brain is very primitive, and there solely for our protection, it’s hardly surprising it spends all its time and energy encouraging us to remain in the survival mode of fight, flight, freeze and fear. Soon, we’ve adopted these limiting beliefs that our survival brain programmed us to use, and anything outside this can feel threatening and unsafe.
So we begin to live in fear, troubled by anxiety, depression and anger, as well as other unhelpful states and emotions. From here, whatever we try to do to change our unhelpful thoughts, feelings and behaviours, this primitive mind, our security guard, can reject as dangerous. It does this habitually with anything that is new, or different.
Any change is generally perceived as a threat, thus the security guard’s job to keep us safe is activated, and we remain exactly the same, doing the same things, with fear and indecision stopping us from making any helpful changes, or making proper, helpful decisions.Effectively, this part of our mind can hold us captive, sabotaging all our best efforts. And of course: nothing changes if nothing changes.
During Hypnosis, we are able to calm and tame this very primitive part of the mind, in the same way we would help a young child to feel calmer, with the intention of helping them to relax, reassuring them that changes for our benefit are good for us.
When we do this through the Trance or Hypnosis part of a Hypnotherapy session, this primitive part of the mind can come together with the more conscious, intellectual part, allowing us to make positive changes more easily and effectively, and in a relatively short space of time.This allows you to say I Can And I Will, encouraging you to Change For Good.
Initial Consultation: £145
Here are some of the issues that can be helped with Hypnotherapy:
Low Mood
Anger Management
Stress and Overwhelm
Confidence/Self Esteem
Exam Stress and Panic Attacks
Social Media and Online Gaming
School Refusal/Inability to attend School
Parenting Teenagers
Understanding the Teenage Brain
Peer Pressure
Skin Conditions
Chronic Pain and Pain Management
Headaches and Migraines
Health Anxiety
Intrusive Thoughts
Suicidal Ideation
Fears and Phobias
Calm In Childbirth (Formerly Hypnotherapy for Childbirth)
Performance Anxiety
Eating Disorders
PMT/PMD/Painful periods
Endometriosis and symptoms
Menopause and symptoms
Brain Fog
Sports Performance
Public Speaking
Grief and Loss
Side Effects of Chemotherapy, Radiotherapy and Cancer treatments
Weight Management
Stop Smoking
Personality Disorders*
Bi-Polar Disorder*
And many other areas and issues. Please contact me for more details.
*I work with you as part of your multi-discipline team, alongside perhaps your GP and Psychiatrist, and anybody else who may be involved in your care.

In just four Sessions with me, your Fear or Phobia can be banished from your life!
This perfectly tailored package is designed to get you living your best life without fears or phobias holding you back.
Whether it’s a fear of spiders, flying, heights, or anything else, you’ll soon be unworried by this.
Ideally we will have one Session a week for four weeks. However if you have a last minute flight to catch in two days and can’t think about getting on board, fear not! We can still tackle this last minute!
Get in touch and take the first step to a new you!
Generally, if all is good in your life, a one-off session of 90 minutes is all you need to Stop Smoking.
If you’re feeling stressed or anxious we can talk about the benefits to you of having a couple of general Hypnotherapy sessions first, ahead of your Stop Smoking Session.
Get in touch and take the first step to a new you!